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Our Partners









Each year ARC provides funding for several hundred projects in the Appalachian Region, in areas such as business development, education and job training, telecommunications, infrastructure, community development, housing, and transportation. These projects create thousands of new jobs; improve local water and sewer systems; increase school readiness; expand access to health care; assist local communities with strategic planning; and provide technical and managerial assistance to emerging businesses.

American Association of Community Colleges
The American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) is the primary advocacy organization for the nation's community colleges. The association represents nearly 1,200 two-year, associate degree-granting institutions and more than 13 million students. AACC promotes community colleges through five strategic action areas: recognition and advocacy for community colleges; student access, learning, and success; community college leadership development; economic and workforce development; and global and intercultural education.  


Tennessee Valley Community College Consortium 
More than 30 community colleges within the five-state Tennessee Valley Science and Technology Corridor region have formed an alliance to work more closely together. The alliance is intended to help the colleges better compete for national grants, share curriculum and work together to address regional workforce, economic development and technology initiatives.

National Association of Community College Entrepreneurship:
NACCE is a member organization of over 300 community colleges representing nearly 2,000 staff. Presidents, educators, administrators and center directors are focused on inciting entrepreneurship in their community and on their campus. NACCE has two main goals: 1. Empower the college to approach the business of leading a community college with an entrepreneurial mindset; and 2. Grow the community college's role in supporting job creation and entrepreneurs in their local ecosystem.


Appalachian Regional Commission: The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) is a regional economic development agency that represents a partnership of federal, state, and local government. Established by an act of Congress in 1965, ARC is composed of the governors of the 13 Appalachian states and a federal co-chair, who is appointed by the president. Local participation is provided through multi-county local development districts.ARC funds projects that address the four goals identified in the Commission's strategic plan:1. Increase job opportunities and per capita income in Appalachia to reach parity with the nation.2. Strengthen the capacity of the people of Appalachia to compete in the global economy.3. Develop and improve Appalachia's infrastructure to make the Region economically competitive.4. Build the Appalachian Development Highway System to reduce Appalachia's isolation.
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